Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Deviant Pottery

*image courtesy of neadeau at

Isaiah 56-66 this morning.  Chapter 64, verse 8 caught my particular attention today.  This is a small reference to a larger truth that is explored by Jeremiah in chapter 18 of his book.  What struck me today was the thought of myself being the clay on God's spinning wheel.  For some reason, I combined this with the image of  Romans 12 where we are told to be living sacrifices.  Someone once said (Ken Davis?) that the problem with  living sacrifices is that they keep climbing down off the altar!  


By the thought occurred that sometimes we do this as the clay, too.
 Sometimes, we see where we think God is going with the design for or lives, the shape we are to take.  Then we say, "Thanks God!  I've got it from here!"  I had this comical image of a lump of clay trying to shape itself on the spinning wheel.  The metaphor could go on endlessly from here.
But I'll spare you...

The point is that we have to walk by the Spirit everyday.  We can never hop off the wheel, and assume we're done.  We can't even try to shape ourselves.  We are fulfilling our role when we are pliable in the Maker's hands.  We have no right to quarrel with our Maker and assume we know better (see Isaiah 29:16 and 45:9).  Let us not be deviant pottery, but obedient servants, humble vessels in the Maker's hands.

The journey is complete!  So, it was only a week-long journey through Isaiah, but it still feels good!  It's an accomplishment, and one that gives me hope for my next goal.  This Sunday, Sept. 19th, 2009, I'm going to take the Bible in 90 Days Challenge.  I'm doing it on my own (because of the short notice/spontaneity), and I'm going to use my audio Bible that I used for Isaiah.  I'm using the plan from the website, but instead of an even 12 pages per day, i'll be doing between 50-65 minutes per day.  This first came up as a desire to complete the Bible before graduating seminary, and I graduate in December.  I've net gone through the entire canon, cover to cover, since entering seminary.  This is a sad thought, and one I've decided to rectify.  So anyway, starting Sunday, my entries will reflect my trip through the Scriptures.  

You guys hold me to this!  No slacking... here we go!

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